Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The true Story of Hello Kitty

  This is the true story of Hello Kitty. Once upon a time there was a girl that had cancer in her mouth.  Her mom  
did all she could for her daughter.  Then the mom made a contact with the devil and she said that if the devil take out the cancer, she is going to make a doll so everybody would buy it. The devil toke out the cancer, and the mom made Hello Kitty. The years past and when the girl who had cancer  was 17 years old they killed her.But when they killed her they took her head off and they put the head on a doll, the doll was HELLO KITTY.  That's why they said that hello kitty is the devil. BE CAREFUL!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cougar Girls

    Once upon a time there was 2 girls named Vania and Ady. Those 2 girls went to Castro Middle School.  They were best friends and a girl named Mayte wanted to separate them. But the best friends were always together and they didn't let Mayte separate them. But one day Mayte  got them to separate and they moved of school. The years past and now each one of them were 20 years old. But one day the best friends reunited and both of them became friends again. THE END!!!!!!! :) :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

What I Did On Easter Day

  Easter Day, What I did on Easter was that my mom was building the eggs. When my mom finish of building the eggs she put a plastic pool. Then my friends came and we stared to fiend the eggs. I found 15 eggs and my little sister found 10 eggs. When we finish I put my bikini , I have to put my little sister her bikini. We got on the plastic pool and we swam. Finally my mom gave me the cake. This is the end of my Easter. :) :) :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to do Friends

First you need to talk with some kids from your class. If the relation of friends do not work just live it like that. Next

Monday, March 26, 2012

Text feature 3

1) The text is organize Because is giving information.

2) The purpose of the text is to give information.

3) The graphics and text futures are that they show pictures and boxes.

4) The extraneous information is that they have the student meal price and more.

5) The information that is missing is what time is lunch or breakfast.

6) Why the paper have pictures?

Functional Text 2

1) The text is organize about giving the rules of the playground.

2) The purpose of the text is to let the kids know what are the rules of the playground.

3) The graphics and Text features are

Friday, March 23, 2012

Functional Text 1

This text is organized to give information like how are the nutrition facts.

The purpose of the text is so you can see that some of the foods have a lot of oil. Is so you can see too that the food gave great things like grains.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Text Features

The different text structures are cause and effect, compare and contrast, sequence, problem and solution, and description. Italics ALL IN CAPS

Graphic Features


Functional part 5

1) the text organize because you can find a lots of different ceremonial origami.

2) The purpose if this text is to inform what is there's going to be what you can do.

3) The graphics and text features




The Strong Baby

 Once upon a time there was a family that have a baby and the baby was 6 months when he got strong. But the parents don't know that there were having twins but the other twin got lost. The time past and the baby fond a mask a he put it in his face and when he put it he change. Now the ''little baby'' is strong more strong as her dad. One day the mom toll her husband that she is going to go to New York, the husband got crazy because he  don't want to stay with the baby. The dad was scared of his''little baby'' because he know that the baby was strong. Then the dad stay one night with the little baby and it was terrible. The last day the dad went to her sister house the dad of the baby said that he need help because he don't know how to be with a little baby. The time past and the mom came and the baby wasn't in the house because a man took the baby to kill him. The man was a prince and he want the mask. TO BE CONTINUE!!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

What I Did On Spring Break

On Monday I woke up early ,because my dad said that we need to go to get the license for my dad and mom. The license was about getting married. My dad was going to get married with my mom. On Tuesday my dad was getting ready to go out. Then my mom got really to. I change my little sister and I got change too. The we went to the car and my dad drove to a department. Later some friends of my mom and dad came we wait and wait and finally we went to a big living room. Then they call my mom and dad and finally! They got married :). On Wednesday

How to make Salt Dough

1. Step I need to put 1 cup of flour. 2. Step I need to put 1 cup of salt. 3. Step I need to put 1 cup of water. 4 Step if you want to put food color or kool- aid you can put it. Now you put the water in the bag and you start mix in it. Ready to play with it. :) :) :)
If I did this again I would not put to much water.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The ATM Cupcakes

Once upon a time there was some people working on a street and they were putting something it was like a t.v. I thought that they were putting a t.v to watch the soccer were you are walking. But one day I saw a woman getting a cupcake. I asked her way she got a cupcake and she said because it was a ATM of cupcakes. Then I said that how she do it to take the cupcake out the ATM. Also I asked her how much cost it then the the women said that it was free. Finally I tell my mom to give me her credit card to take out one of that cool cupcakes. THE END OF MY STORY.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Comparing Plant and Animal Cell

The difference of an animal and plant cell.

The Cool Girls

     Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mayte. She was going with her friends to a camping but one of her friends got lost and Mayte was sad. She was scared because she though that she is going to get lost to. But her though got true she got lost and she found a girl named Misty Garcia Ponce. One day they found another girl name Ady Hernandez Sanchez. Ady was a cool girl but she didn't  have a dad and a mom. Then Misty was happy because now there have other girl.  Then the 3 girls made a show and they became rich girls. TO BE CONTINUE. :) :) :) :) :) 

The Cool Girl

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mayte. She was going with her friends to a camping but one of her friends got lost and Mayte was sad. She was scared because she though that she is going to get lost to. But her though got true she got lost and she found a girl named

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Past tence

Something that already past.

Chinese Food and Drinks

This article is about the Chinese food and drinks. Main grains is about that they still cooking the same as 5,000 years. Fruits and Vegetables is about that some of the fruits are popular. The popular fruits and vegetables are cucumbers, snow peas, and Chinese cabbage. Tea Time is about that for thousands of years China have an important thing that is tea. People use the tea leaves as medicine too. Quick Sticks is about that the Chinese people invented the chopsticks to pick the small pieces of food. They found the perfect tool to pick the food.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Monster In House

 One  day a monster attacked Ady and a vampire attacked him too. But when a girl named Vania came in and toll Ady that she was okay Ady don't answer. Vania was scared because Ady don't answer him. She thought that Ady died. Vania was the friend of Ady sense they were a little babies. THE  STORY KEEPS CONTINUE!!!!! THE END :) :)  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Richie Nana

One day there was a girl that hade a rich nana. The other friends were mad at the girl. They were mad because the nana of the girl was rich. The girl was sad because she runt have any friends. She was mad at her nana because she want to be a normal girl. They past years and years for she can be normal and have a lot of friends. The End!!!! :) :}

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The 3 Penguins

  One day there were 3 penguins that every time there were mad at each other. Every time that they saw each other they would turn around. That was mes up because they were 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What I Like On The Art Museum

  My favorite things on the Art Museum are the Fire fly Room, The Phoenix Capitol, the stores, and more. I love the Art Museum and I want to go again. I promise that if my family want to go to the Art Museum I will go. First I went to the restaurant then I went to see the paintings. Then we got up the stairs and we saw more paintings and we went to the Fire fly Room. We got out of the Fire fly Room and we went down the stairs. Then it was time for lunch and we went to the garden. We ate and then when we finish we went back to the museum. Ms. Mock took use to the Fire fly Room again and we play a little bit. Then we got again out of it and we went to a painting room that you will be able to paint and play. We went to a little room that in that room has bed rooms, kitchens, and more. I like to be on that room. Then we went to the stores and saw the paintings that I saw on the rooms and I saw cool things. We went to other store and that store was cool, cool because I saw new things and they were awesome. Last we went to the front and we wait to the bus comes. I  have so fun on the Art Museum I want to go again.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Super Girl

One day there was a little girl named Perla she was 4 months. She was a cute girl everyone who see her they will said ''Oh that girl is so cute''. That what they will said that little girl was famous now. When she was 6 years old she was an actress she was not happy to be an actress she want to be a nurse. But when she was 10 years old she said I runt want to be an actress I want to be a nurse that's my dream. Every one got surprise and Perla stared to cried. Her mom said '' sorry, sorry honey I runt want to hurt you honey. But one day when she was 29 years old she become a doctor. Know Perla is happy.